Episode 29: UFO abductions, trading season, Kyle Schwarber, Tim Tebow, David Ortiz, Bill Cosby

Episode 29 of Foul Territory: A Baseball Podcast is UFO-eriffic!
It’s not often baseball and the UFO phenomena get mentioned in the same sentence, blogpost, podcast or universe very often, so hosts Jed Rigney and Jon Sumple sought to rectify this injustice. Well, actually, Jed did a solid by giving a shoutout to Jon’s documentary film, extraordinary: the stan romanek story, which — shameless plug alert #1! — debuts on Netflix July 3. For those who don’t have Netflix, the film — shameless plug alert #2 — is also available as a digital download or video on-demand on Amazon, iTunes, Vimeo, Hulu, Xbox and PlayStation services to name a few. Just click this link to get your UFO fix for the day. (Extra special thanks to Jed for praising the film, too!)
In addition to UFO babbling, this week’s Headlines feature non-UFO convos about the start of the summer trading season kicking off with the Marlins trading Adeiny Hechavarria to the Rays, the dark comedy that is the Nationals bullpen just got bleaker with the signing of K-Rob, Cubs dreamboat Kyle Schwaber’s demotion *sniff, sniff* to the minors, Miguel Montero’s how-to class on criticism and bag-packing, Tim Tebow’s ascending (not) star, the Dodgers going crazy and betting the entire world at everything behind Cody Bellinger and company, Boston retiring David Ortiz’s number and naming a back alley after him, Derek Jeter’s lack of funding might not get him a seat at the big-boy table, and former Jeter partner Jeb Bush gets on the Tag Romney train. *choo-choo!*
This week’s Starting Nine is in honor of — shameless plug alert #3 — Jon’s documentary film, extraordinary: the stan romanek story, with Jed sharing nine players with alien-sounding names, and Jed brings the goods this week!
ICYMI or icy-me or In Case You Missed It focuses on the juiced balls, of the baseball kind. This is no UFO conspiracy thing, it has been proven that the balls ain’t the same as the used to be (said every male over 80). Jed even suggests the steroids era and juiced balls were connected, too. Riveting discourse abounds!
Are You Buying It?, the All-Star Vote Leader edition, has Jed opining about Ryan Zimmerman, Zack Cozart, Marcell Ozuna, Eric Hosmer, Miguel Sano and Aaron Judge. Guess who he’s buying belongs at the ASG? Also, while we didn’t mention Devon Travis in this segment, we did mention him earlier in the show as it pertains to this segment, so our DT streak is alive and well.
Finally, Extra Innings delivers scintillating editorializing on the Supreme Court willing to hear on NJ sports betting, Phil Jackson’s mad dash for cash in New York and why it didn’t turn out all Bullsy or Lakery in NYC, John McEnroe praising Serena Williams and the world missing it because of what he said after, the LaVar Ball traveling clown show, Bill Cosby not really hitting the road to dish on how to get away with sexual assault (it’s fake news, people!), and last but not least … UFO stories! No, just kidding. We end Episode 29 with the freshly rebooted Spiderman Homecoming and a movie within a movie within a movie joke that aims to please.