Mark McGwire Gives Baseball the Middle Finger
God bless journalism. Without it, we wouldn’t have gems like the one we got from Mark McGwire yesterday courtesy of The Athletic. In a single interview he gave a big middle finger to the Maris Family, baseball fans, scientists and …

Let’s Celebrate Activist Athletes For Their Positive Impact On Society
The world is such a divisive place, and the cynic in me thinks it’s always been this bad and will always be this bad. It’s a fatigue that so many people feel. Political discourse has always been able to derail …

MLB Playoff Predictions With Accompanying Soundtrack
We’ve reached the conclusion of this epic, three-part foray into predicting the 2018 MLB season. The emotion surrounding this ending is on par with the finale of Harry Potter. I’m waiting for the royalties like J.K. Rowling. Anyway, get ready …

American League Predictions With Accompanying Soundtrack
I hope you’re hyped after part one of my 2018 MLB predictions. It was a bit of a rough weekend for me, partying in your 30s is much harder, and I think my song choices today reflect this. That or the …

National League Predictions With Accompanying Soundtrack
The sexy thing to do this time of year is predict the MLB season. Some grandiose article where I share American and National League predictions, and who will make the playoffs, win MVP and the World Series. I can say …

Benadryl-Driven Epiphany: Expect a Surprise in the NL West
Despite my wild success as a blogger, I do have a day job. With a day job comes the opportunity to forge friendships, learn from other intelligent people or just pig out and b.s. for two hours on a Friday …

Young Manager Movement Made for Millennials
Exploring how teams are currently being built is an exercise in math, psychology and talent evaluation. What is driving the sport of baseball: players or money? How do you maximize your return on investment? Is the key to the future …