Remembering 9/11
I used to think it was weird when older people said they remember exactly where they were when Kennedy was assassinated. How could something that happened to someone else, and that was so far away from almost everyone, have such …

Chris Davis and the Worst Season Ever
Life is a topsy-turvy roller coaster ride filled with highs and lows and twists and turns—so, every once in a while, it’s going to make you barf. And when the highs come along, it seems like everyone is there to …

Toronto Blue Genes: Guerrero, Bichette, Biggio
With all the success the motion picture industry is having these days with sequels, it’s no surprise Major League Baseball is following suit. Just look at all these young players whose fathers played in the big leagues. Baseball is a …

The Avengers Infinity War of Major League Baseball
Unless you’ve been living under a rock the last few months—and this would have to be huge rock without the slightest amount of light coming through and not even the faintest wifi signal—you undoubtedly know about the imminent arrival of …

Maybe It’s Time To Worry About Kenley Jansen
All superheroes have different strengths that set them apart from mankind, as well as from each other. While a lot of these differences are required by copyright and intellectual property laws, they create the unique individualities we know and love: …

Baseball’s Official Twitter Hashtags Are #Lame
As most people have started to understand, there is nothing more important than getting recognition on social media—Facebook, Twitter, even LinkedIn. It used to be that philosophy, education and goodwill were worthwhile pursuits, but in 2018, all that matters is …

How to Be the Lord of the Fantasy Baseball Rings
In this modern world with all of the advances we’ve made as a society, one area that continues to fall quite short of civility is the acceptance of differences among people. While certainly some strides have been made, intolerance is …

Why Aren’t Players and Teams Hooking Up?
Baseball’s second season – the offseason – has been going for a couple months now and frankly, it’s left me quite frustrated. If you’ve got a few minutes, I’d like to have a little chat about it. They call it …

Los Angeles Fans Are Actually the Best in Baseball
There’s no need to list off the many great things about living in the Los Angeles area because the people that live here already know them and the people that don’t live here already hate us for them. One thing …

True Bromance
I don’t know if I’m the only one that’s noticed, but it seems like this country has got a bunch of problems. There is economic turmoil, rampant drug abuse, a failing education system and the Kardashians. Conservatives and liberals do …