2020 MLB Playoffs: There Can Be Only One
Oh, man, the Major League Baseball playoffs are here and it looks like it’s going to be a doozie! As is the custom with all major sports, only one team will win it all (for now anyway, until the participation-trophy …

Baseball in the Time of Coronavirus
Well, it’s nearly the end of May, and the only professional baseball going on these days is in the Korean Baseball Organization. I’ve watched a few games, and bless their hearts, they’re out there playing baseball in games that matter. …

Why Everyone Loves Kobe Bryant
Having grown up in Los Angeles and being an avid sports fan, I have been a Lakers fan for most of my life. And, of course, I am a Kobe Bryant fan. I watched his entire career, from struggling rookie …

Baseball’s Best of the Worst 2019
Welp! Another great season of Major League Baseball is in the books. Congratulations to the Washington Nationals for their first World Series victory and also for getting their White House visit out of the way so we don’t have to …

Fear and Loathing in Spring Training
Spring is a time of new life. It is a time of flowers and leaves and hummingbirds and bees. It is also the time of baseball’s spring training, so called because the teams are training for the upcoming season and …

New Year’s Resolutions 2019
Happy New Year to all of you who read my column—the casual readers, the enthusiastic borderline cyber-stalkers and even the folks who just wound up here from Google because I typed “Nick Jonas STD scare” just now. 2018 was a …

Holiday Gifts for Baseball Fans
The holidays are the time of year when we all get together and share in our collective joy and try to wipe away the metaphorical eye boogers of the last year. We go to parties and attend dinners and “like” …

Bryce Harper vs. Manny Machado: Tale of the Tape
Last week the two best free agent hitters baseball has seen in almost two decades hit the open market looking for new places to call home. Manny Machado and Bryce Harper. Each is a superstar and each can sign wherever …

The World Series and Comic Con: When Worlds Collide
The Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers are going head-to-head for the 2018 World Series title. Best-of-seven for who gets to be called the champ and who gets lost to the pages of history. Both teams have huge …

Baseball’s Best of the Worst Awards 2018
What an incredible season for Major League Baseball! There were so many great moments throughout the year and if I could remember any one of them specifically I might not be secretly terrified that I have early-onset dementia. Okay, so, …