Measuring Baseball: Irrelevant Statistics Take Center Stage
Listen to a baseball game on radio, or watch it on television. Prepare to be barraged by numbers. Measurements. Not batting average or on-base percentage, home runs or runs batted in or even the newest stat, OPS (on-base plus slugging). …

Death of the Bunt: A Story of Numbers and Money
The other night, I watched Amed Rosario of the New York Mets embarrass himself. He was trying to bunt. Over the years, I’ve seen masters bunt. Winning players like Rod Carew and Pete Rose immediately come to mind. Payers who …

Baseball History 101: Henry Chadwick, Laws of Cricket and Standardized Rules
Baseball, 150 years later, still exudes an English flavor of cricket. What does this mean? That as the game changed from its open, leisurely and civilized pace to a fiercely contested battle in closed, grungy and dilapidated wooden ballparks that …

Baseball: What the Hell Is Happening?
Part one of a three-part investigation On the surface, everything in baseball seems fairly normal as we head down the stretch of this season, However, over the past few months, I have seen more articles about baseball’s on- and off-field …

Chin Music — An Ode to Baseball
Editor’s note: And now, for something completely different—Chin Music, a baseball poem from Jeffrey Steinberg. Play ball! I believe in the thud of a fastball smacking into a weary, leathered mitt softened by tobacco juice. I see fingers flashing signs. …